Red Hematoid Quartz

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Red Hematoid Quartz

Red hematoid quartz, also known as fire quartz or ferruginous quartz, is a unique variety of quartz crystal characterized by its distinctive reddish-brown to deep red inclusions of hematite or iron oxide within a transparent or translucent quartz matrix. These inclusions often appear as streaks, patches, or speckles, creating a captivating contrast against the clear or milky quartz background.

The name "hematoid" is derived from "hematite," referring to the presence of hematite within the quartz. Hematite is a mineral known for its reddish-brown to metallic luster, and its inclusion in quartz gives red hematoid quartz its characteristic coloration.

Red hematoid quartz is valued not only for its striking appearance but also for its metaphysical properties. It is believed to possess grounding and protective energies, promoting vitality, courage, and strength. Additionally, red hematoid quartz is associated with emotional healing and balance, making it a popular choice for spiritual practices and crystal healing.

Overall, red hematoid quartz is cherished for its beauty and its potential to enhance both physical and emotional well-being.
Red Hematoid Quartz in modern days can be used as a decorative element into people's home, featured walls in hotels, part of a piece of luxurious furniture, or even for flooring which is backlit! How about a Red Hematoid Quartz quartz worktop? It is so hard wearing that a knife won't make any mark on it! The versatile function of white quartz can be endless as long as you dare to imagine.

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